Monday, July 6, 2015

'Sanctuary (#Amish Romance)' by Sandy Goodridge


When her two best friends are falling for Luke, the same man who stole her heart, can Olivia somehow manage to find happiness without losing her friends?

Olivia, Suzie and Sarah were the best of friends since they were
babies. They not only shared their most intimate thoughts and
feelings, they literally shared their dreams.

It seemed liked nothing could keep them apart from each other, until one day, a new Amish family moved into their community. And then they met Luke.

Will Luke choose Olivia and will they manage to get create a happy
life together?

Or will Luke break her heart and tear the best friends apart?

As tensions are rising between Olivia and her friends, the looming
specter of Death and the Englischer world threatens a swift and
unfortunate conclusion. Can Olivia find enough light within her heart to cast away this darkness?

Come spend some time with the Amish in this story of friendship, love, loss and redemption.

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