It feels like now more than ever, we need to rediscover the importance of loving ourselves. Author Neena Paul shows you how in her book DIL Deeply in Love. Read an exclusive excerpt and then download your own copy. Read even more as you follow the tour. Let her know your thoughts along the way. Best of luck entering the giveaway!
The Creator is unique, unfathomable, formless, and without any attributes. After searching everywhere, I first found it in myself, and then I found it, all prevalent and timeless, in every Creation of the Creator.
DIL Deeply in Love is author Neena Paul's attempt to reach out to all people in the entire world, irrespective of age, to help them connect with their own self.
Before going further, you must understand the importance of both the internal and external journey on this path called life.
The external journey is all about doing things, actions, which have consequences — good or bad. The internal journey is the one that bears fruit, and leads to a life of completion.
It is imperative to understand here that in the external journey of life, you interact with the world around you, as a social being. You make relations, learn, earn, and carry an ‘ego.’
This ego, or self-respect, is a very important part of your day-to-day existence. You just cannot have anyone take you for granted. You have to be fair and righteous. For example, if you have put in sixty hours of work in the week, you should be paid for sixty hours: not less and not more.
There is no scope of humbleness, meaning that you need to fully know and understand your own limits of righteousness.
In this social interaction process, you may show some people down, or someone else might show you down. You have to be an honest professional in whatever you do, while you are doing it, with your head held high.
The traits are completely different for the internal journey. In the internal journey of life, there is no room for ‘ego.’ This is a journey of total surrender. Total surrender is when you neither exaggerate nor elaborate.
Exaggeration will satisfy your ego and pride, and at times insult others. Elaborating things will bring in self-praise and raise your own false expectations, since everyone loves praise and followers.
On this path there is truth, in its most naked form; and honesty, no matter how bitter it is. It is what it is.
When you are honest in all its total nakedness, you come to a point of not hiding anything from your own self first.
This is not about the world; this is only about yourself. This section explains how to understand these two journeys. Try and balance them to the best of your ability.
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