Monday, April 1, 2019

Mimadamos: The Eden of Choice by Chadi B. Ghaith

Welcome to the book blast for Mimadamos: The Eden of Choice by Chadi B. Ghaith, a spiritual fantasy, philosophical fiction read that you'll be sure to enjoy. Preview it with an excerpt. Leave comments and questions for the author and then follow the tour for more excerpts plus chances to win the giveaway.

Mimadamos: The Eden of Choice

Lebanese author Chadi B. Ghaith brings beliefs that were held in secrecy for a thousand years to awareness in Mimadamos: The Eden of Choice (Fifthscience Inc., July 5, 2017). Ghaith’s book revolves around an ancient triangle of the most significant characters on earth, paralleled by three of the most significant forces in life, and their combined story in space and time. Journey through this fable and explore the ideas that have mystified mankind for centuries: good and evil, heaven and hell, the beginning and end of the world.

Did the ending precede the beginning? Are we only here on earth to comprehend its machinations? Is there room for choice to shape our destiny in the wake of fate and its brutal logic? Mimadamos is a unique, philosophically-rich fantasy which journeys through the depths of conflict and harmony that we understand as the spirit. It decodes the magic of the most ancient scripts known to man, the symbolic fall from Eden and the long anticipated armageddon, revealing a logic so unique that it brings history to its conclusive end.

Read an excerpt:
The structure, simple at first, grew into a labyrinth of rooms and courtyards to accommodate the many functions Fate conceived as he went along, for his path was even then strewn with disorder and disarray.

When the construction was finally finished many years later, the home had turned into a
castle. Fate’s followers spent all their time within its walls, and, as directed by their leader, they ensured that no man or woman would reach the interior unless escorted by one of them. Indeed, the halls were bound with spells to prevent intruders from making progress.

Now, for the first time since settling there, Fate left the mountainous area and traveled to
the distant village of Mimadamos, a couple of days’ walk using his magic bridge across the

Valley of Doubt. There he and Destiny would take their vows, and after the festivities, Destiny would return with him to Demire to begin their new life. 
At least, that was the plan.

About Chadi B. Ghaith

CHADI B. GHAITH has spent many years introducing an ancient mind science called Fifthscience to the public; Mimadamos is his first attempt at translating the magic of Fifthscience into a modern narrative. He is a native of Lebanon; however, he acquired his high school and university levels in Texas. Ghaith studied Arts and Film at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. He now lives in Beirut with his wife and three children.

You can connect with him at

Chadi Ghaith will be awarding a copy of Mimadamos: The Eden of Choice, (US only) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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