Friday, September 27, 2019

Soul Matters by Jeanne-Rachel Salomon, PhD

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Modern Science Confirming Ancient Wisdom - Healing at the Interface of Spirit and Matter
Spirituality, New Age
Date Published: February 2019
Publisher: Balboa Press

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Soul Matters presents Dr. Jeanne-Rachel Salomon’s research into the millennia-old shamanic healing modality of Soul Retrieval. During actual shamanic healing sessions, Dr. Salomon utilized QEEG Brain Mapping and DFM blood work to monitor the body-mind system of both the client and herself. The scientific results of her work allow her to conclude that the fundamentals of the shamanic healing method are aligned with quantum principals and that the phenomenon of soul leaving and soul returning happens on the quantum-level of existence. The results of her study confirm the relevance of quantum physics’ tenets of non-locality, tangled hierarchy and discontinuity inside shamanic healing.

Purchase Links
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About the Author

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Jeanne-Rachel Salomon, PhD studied anthropology and then quantum medicine, receiving her Doctorate and PhD in Natural Medicine (concentration on consciousness). She studied with indigenous shamans and Western healers and has twenty years of experience as a shamanic practitioner, focusing on soul retrieval for trauma resolution.

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Thursday, September 26, 2019

An Agent for Gillian (The Pinkerton Matchmaker Series) by Ginny Sterling

An Agent for Gillian

Two wrongs don’t make a right – or do they?

Gillian Jameson had lost her world when her husband died. Alone, scared, and desperate for something to fill the emptiness in her soul- she turns to the Pinkerton Agency for help. What she never expected was to be married again, especially to a man like Cade Malone.

Cade had a recklessness to him that was born of sheer desperation. His wife and child were gone. He was running from memories that haunted him with every breath and nightmares that plagued him each night. What he needed was a reason to go on- and it certainly wasn’t in the form of a new partner.

Can two broken souls form a bond between them? Will seeing another person who is struggling to deal with the trauma in their lives be just the thing to help old wounds heal – or would falling for each other simply create another emotional scar that is just too great to bear?

Buy it on Amazon
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I was compensated via Fiverr for sharing this post. I only share those books that I feel will be of interest to my readers.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Westward Lies the Sun by Robert H. Kono

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Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing

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Greg Sonoda, a Japanese American attorney, embarks on a quest to determine what influence God has in his life. In the back of his mind is the question, first and foremost, of whether God exists at all. God is such an elusive concept to a humanist, who, from his earliest years, was made to question God’s very existence—he suffered in a concentration camp for the duration of WWII—and he doubts his efforts will ever come to fruition.

In Westward Lies the Sun, Greg’s search for truth is given voice during the frequent debates with his poker foursome, although the late-night discussions produce more questions than answers. But they do serve to articulate thoughts and feelings about sundry issues such as the search for Greg’s family heirloom: a samurai sword stolen during Greg’s incarceration in the camps. More significantly, Greg is forced to ponder God’s hand in his family’s survival after being shipwrecked on a small, uninhabited Micronesian island. Greg and his family make several discoveries on the island that lead to financial success and miraculous physical healing. But will the island also heal Greg spiritually?

The family sword—Onimaru—is ultimately used in a showdown on the island with Greg’s quest for God, together with his mental and physical survival, hanging in the balance.

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Purchase Links
Amazon * B&N  * iBooks  * IndieBound 
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About the Author

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Born in 1932, the author, Robert H. Kono, is a third generation Japanese American (Sansei) who spent the duration of WWII in several concentration camps in the United States. An only child, he accompanied his father and ailing mother to war-torn Japan in 1946, thus beginning a solitary growing up as a look-alike American outsider. He managed to return to America, the beloved land of his birth, in 1959 to get married and complete his college education. He is the father of two sons. He resides in Beaverton, OR.

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Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Cure for Stupidity by Eric M. Bailey

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Date Published: 6/12/19
Publisher: Peacock Proud Press

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Every day you’re driven nuts by the people around you making common sense errors and irrational decisions. Imagine what life would look like if you didn’t have to waste time and energy dealing with stubborn, clueless, argumentative, defensive, or apathetic coworkers! Thank goodness Eric Bailey translates decades of brain science research into every-day language, helping you break through common communication barriers that will improve every relationship in your life. Whether you work in the executive suite or on the front-line, this book will teach you how to cure the stupidity all around you.

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About the Author

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Eric M. Bailey is the President of Bailey Strategic Innovation Group, one of the fastest-growing communication consulting firms in the United States. Eric has a diverse set of experiences that includes helping an NFL player pet a rhinoceros, doing barrel rolls in an F-16, and chatting with LL Cool J on the campus of Harvard University.

Eric's unique style blends fact and emotion and finds ways to appeal to analytical thinkers, emotional feelers, and everyone in between. Eric has been featured on Huffington Post, Forbes, the Like a Real Boss Podcast and has helped leaders and teams across North America see common problems from new and different perspectives. Eric works with Google Inc., the US Air Force, Los Angeles County, Phoenix PD and many more.

Eric holds a Master's Degree in Leadership and Organizational Development from Saint Louis University and is a lifetime learner of human and organizational behavior. When not working or researching, you can find Eric and his wife, Jamie racing on their road bikes, being cheered on by their three children.

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Monday, September 16, 2019

Read an excerpt from Wayfarer by Janalyn Voight

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

You already got to take a peek into the first Tales of Faeraven book, DawnSinger. Today, I have an exclusive excerpt for you from the second book in the series, Wayfarer. Be sure to also check out the rest of the tour for more excerpts and reviews. And best of luck entering the great giveaway at the end!


(Tales of Faeraven #2)
By Janalyn Voigt
Fantasy, Christian Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 296 Pages
January 3rd 2014 by Harbourlight Books

Trouble stirs between nations and rebellion threatens Faeraven.

When Kai returns with the supposed DawnKing, Lof Shraen Elcon cannot trust that the Elder youth truly is the prophesied deliverer. Driven to prove himself, Elcon banishes the boy and embarks on a peace-keeping campaign into the Elder lands, where he falls in love with an Elder princess betrothed to another.

Sometimes the deliverance of a nation comes only through the humility of one.

Declaring his love would shame the nations, but Elcon is torn. As war approaches, Elcon’s choices lead him on a journey of discovery that will either settle the lands or leave them mired in conflict. Can his kingdom ever be united, or will the consequences of his decisions forever tear asunder the fabric of Faeraven?

(Affiliate link included.)

Read an exclusive excerpt:
An indrawn breath alerted Kai. Unsheathing his sword, he peered into the shadows beneath a weilo tree’s curling tresses. 
Nothing stirred. 
“Show yourself!” His challenge rang through the vale. 
No response. 
He stepped closer. 
Kai. His name sighed in a sudden wind that ruffled the waters of the weild. Morning mists eddied above the river, but the leafy canopy over his head remained still and silent. 
Impossible! And yet he knew that voice. “Shae?” With his heart beating in his throat, he pressed forward. 
Beneath the weilo a many-hued light shimmered, swirled, and took shape. Shae stood before him, her eyes closed as if in prayer. Her unbound hair cascaded in burnished curls to her waist. Beneath her scarlet cloak, she clutched something at the end of the fine chain encircling her neck. The glint of silverstone between her fingers told him she wore his locket. She opened her eyes and smiled at him. “Kai.” 
But he backed away. “Are you some dryad come to enchant me?” 
“Please.” She held out her hands imploringly. “Stay.” 
“Why should I trust you?” 
“You have nothing to fear. It’s me—Shae.” 
He shook his head. “I saw you vanish from this world.”

Other Books in the Series

(Tales of Faeraven #1)
By Janalyn Voigt
Fantasy, Christian Fantasy
Paperback & ebook, 342 Pages
June 29, 2012 by Harbourlight Books

The High Queen is dying...

At the royal summons, Shae mounts a wingabeast and soars through the air to the high hold of Faeraven, where all is not as it seems. Visions warn her of danger, and a dark soul touches hers in the night. When she encounters an attractive but disturbing musician, her wayward heart awakens.

But then there is Kai, a guardian of Faeraven and of Shae. Secrets bind him to her, and her safety lies at the center of every decision he makes.

On a desperate journey fraught with peril and the unknown, they battle warlike garns, waevens, ferocious raptors, and the wraiths of their own regrets. Yet, they must endure the campaign long enough to release the DawnKing and the salvation he offers into a divided land. To prevail, each must learn that sometimes victory comes only through surrender.

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About the Author

Janalyn Voigt is a writer and professional speaker with a photography habit and a passion for travel. Her unique blend of adventure, romance, suspense, and fantasy creates worlds of beauty and danger for readers. Tales of Faeraven, her epic fantasy series beginning with DawnSinger, carries readers into a land only imagined in dreams. She is represented by Sarah Joy Freese of Wordserve Literary.

Tour Schedule

Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a $10 Amazon gift card, a reader's journal, and a Tales of Faeraven bookmark (US only)
Ends September 25th, 2019

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The Health Recovery Zone by Cary Kelly

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Non-Fiction / Health and Wellness
Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing

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Do you WANT to be well?

There is HOPE!

There ARE things we can do and we must learn the importance of daily giving our body what it needs to HEAL ITSELF when life bombards us with the constant assault of environmental chemical manipulations! Discover for yourself as the author shares her experience, strength and hope including how she reversed her own chronic, autoimmune illness using some doable HEALTH RECOVERY ACTION STEPS, any reader can implement!

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Purchase Links
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About the Author

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Cary Kelly, author, blogger,(MzEatright) and certified health coach has been helping her clients find the narrow road which will support a life of happy living and healthy eating! Improving strength, stamina, and energy levels in order to fulfill your calling is a side effect from making healthy changes.

Cary turned to holistic health principles when facing an unfavorable diagnosis. After a 30 year career assisting physicians in direct patient care, in multiple sub specialties, she also spent over 25 years researching the conventional medical literature for answers to our escalating stats of chronic and autoimmune, metabolic illness! People have not been getting the message that most of these common problems in society are indeed PREVENTABLE! Grab your copy today: THE HEALTH RECOVERY ZONE!

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Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Fragments of French: An Unexpected Journey of the Heart by Wanda St. Hilaire

Today I have an excerpt for you from the book Fragments of French by Wanda St. Hilaire. Please enjoy it and then let the author know what you think in the comments section. And then follow the tour for even more and to enter the giveaway!

Fragments of French: An Unexpected Journey of the Heart

After a harsh brush with her mortality, shadowed by a premature divorce, Wanda St. Hilaire pledges to be true to her primary passion—living ardently through travel. On the fateful day her life intersects with Jean-François, a charming Frenchman, on a bustling street in Lisbon, every fiber of her being feels as though she has finally entered the doorway to a magical world that she knew existed since she was a young girl.

St. Hilaire turns a complicated romantic ballet full of missteps into a collage of people, places, and cultures. Fragments of French is an exquisitely detailed travelogue of Portugal, Canada, France, and Mexico, filled with minor characters who delight with their humanity. However, what really makes this tale a standout is a gift for pacing and description to rival Tom Wolfe.

The hero’s journey is not only for the characters of our favorite stories or mythical legends. At some point, each of us receives the call to adventure. Fate summons the hero; we can refuse the call, or step into something that will turn our lives upside down, and potentially change everything we know to be true.

From feeling “completely disarmed, no fortress standing”, to embracing her untethered strength, the author turns this account of living life out loud into lessons for us all.

Read an excerpt:
French words from my childhood pop into my head at opportune moments, surprising me. On our family visits, my French grandfather whom, to my seven-year-old eyes, looked like a wizened turtle, walked me to the cheese factory near his home. Hand in hand, we would saunter ever so slowly, and he would mutter foreign words to me. His horrid wife, Step grand-mère—the Wicked Witch of Winnipeg—made the grandchildren speak only French in her presence, and I am oddly grateful to her at this moment.

Jean-François asks if I am concerned about our age difference. To my mind, age is determined by the essence and energy of a person. I have known people who are biologically thirty, yet exude the air of a person many decades older. I know my energy is younger than my thirty-five years, and this is what concerns him, but the eight years between us is as insignificant as dust in the wind.

The castle looms over this ancient section of the city, making the evening more dream-like. The cultural blend and integration of the inhabitants creates an exotic atmosphere. With Brazilian, Latin, and African influences from the former Portuguese colonies, I am moved by the cadence and archaic soul of the music. My body involuntarily sways to each new rhythm, and I close my eyes to breathe in the antiquity of my surroundings.

Companion Poetry Book, Of Love, Life, and Journeys also available on Amazon 

(Inspired during the story of my travel memoir, this collection of poems and verse was first published in 2004 and became a Canadian bestseller for poetry. This second edition was created as a companion book to Fragments of French.)

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About Wanda St. Hilaire

Her prime passion is the thrill of travel—of experiencing other cultures, traditions, lifestyles, and languages—thus expanding her perspective.

Wanda St. Hilaire has a predilection and passion for all things Latin, and she believes life is too short not to do what you love, where you love. She spends time writing in Mexico for inspiration, and to escape the frozen landscapes of Alberta.

Through writing, St. Hilaire shares what she’s learned from the high peaks of adventure and love, to the dark valleys of illness and heartbreak. Her mission is to help people overcome the self, and tap into their wise inner guidance system. Her wish is to inspire others to live true to their unique and beautiful nature.



Twitter: @spicytraveler (

Wanda St. Hilaire will be awarding a ribboned beret & Paris coin bag with an E-book of Fragments of French to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. (International offer)

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Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Review of Sweet Melody by Heidi McCahan

On Tour with Prism Book Tours

Welcome to the book tour for  Sweet Melody by Heidi McCahan! I fell in love with this book, and I think you'll enjoy it, too. I have my full review below. And stay tuned for an interview with the author over at my site at Candrel's Crafts, Cooks, and Characters later this week. Check out the rest of the tour, as well, and be sure to enter the great giveaway!

Sweet Melody

(Seabrook Romance #1)
By Heidi McCahan
Christian Contemporary Romance
Paperback & ebook, 242 Pages
August 1st 2019

When a struggling bakery owner is rescued by a wannabe songwriter with hidden culinary talents, they discover they can make sweet harmony … if they can only learn to work together.

Rhett Foster longs to change the world with his music, yet he can’t even finish writing one song. Battered by a string of failures and disillusioned, he returns home to Portland, Oregon. While he desperately wants to create a chart-topping hit, his dad mandates a new mission: move to coastal vacation hotspot Seabrook, Washington and expand the family’s successful restaurant chain.

In danger of destroying her late parents’ legacy if she doesn’t diversify her menu, Lindsay Carmichael will try anything to save her bakery. But with a tiny budget and an injured employee who can’t work, she has no choice but to sink the last of her savings into buying a dilapidated food truck and hiring Rhett as a part-time barista. What she doesn’t know is that the handsome songwriter has a secret … one that could destroy her business and her heart.

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**My thoughts**
I was drawn to this book description right off the bat because it combines two of my favorite storylines - a bakery and a musician. I don't know why, but I love the stories that take place in bakeries or some kind of food place, because they make me feel all warm and cozy inside. And musicians, well, I've been dating them and hanging out with them since I was in high school. So that part is a given. And I'm not sure that I have ever seen this combination before.

I immediately fell in love with both characters. Lindsay is the kind of girl who would be a close friend, because she is smart, determined, loyal, and knows how to bake. Rhett is dreamy as a business-savvy, creative, intelligent musician who makes a mean cup of coffee. They're both damaged from their past and are working hard to find a sense of self while stumbling ahead to achieve their biggest dreams in life. Lindsay lost both of her parents some years ago in a car accident. She strives to bring about her own twist on their former diner days with her own bakery and hopefully a unique bakery and coffee food truck. I related to this so well. And then Rhett has always dreamed of being a musician, and has the talent to do so, and wants to prove to his father that it isn't a waste of time. He and his father and his father's second family have been fairly estranged for awhile, or at least have had a horribly rocky relationship. 

The heat between them hits as soon as Rhett first demonstrates his prowess on the evil espresso machine. They just seem to fit together perfectly, both from the desire to achieve their dreams and to prove their worth to themselves and to their parents. Their personal skills balance each other out and help them work together to be even more creative and successful. There's just one little secret from Rhett's present that echoes a trauma in Lindsay's past, and it threatens to destroy the harmony they are creating.

Watching the two of them grow together just made me feel happy inside. I may or may not have had misty eyes toward the end of the book. I want to be able to peek in on them later on, and have a feeling we'll be able to, as this is just the first book in the series. And I have a good guess as to who will be the focus in the second book. I'll be watching for it!

I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

About the Author

Heidi secretly dreamed of writing a book for most of her childhood, but a particularly painful rejection letter in middle school convinced her to tuck that dream away. Instead, she earned a Bachelor’s degree in Sports Medicine from Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington and a Master’s Degree in Athletic Training from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. After a brief career as a Certified Athletic Trainer, Heidi married her husband Steve, then she dusted off her big dream of becoming a published author and launched her first contemporary romance into the world in 2014. A huge fan of coffee, dark chocolate, and happily ever after, Heidi currently lives in North Carolina with Steve, three active boys and one amazing Goldendoodle.

Tour Schedule

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Tour Giveaway

One winner will receive a signed paperback with bookmark, $10 Amazon gift card, Sticky Fingers Strawberry Scone mix and a Seabrook Sea, Salt and Surf 100% soy wax candle from Hometown candle company.
US only
Ends September 18, 2019

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